Tuesday, December 24, 2999

A Few More Family Pictues

Here we are at our big Celebration Bash in 1999. We both turned 50, celebrated our 25th wedding aniversary, and the last kid graduating from college. What fun!

Here are the Wathen sibs at the 1999 Celebration. Beth was wearing her bridesmaid dress from our 1974 wedding. Doesn't that make you sick!
Can't resist including a couple more pictures of Ty. Here he is at 3 and 7 months, respectively.
Here I, Uncle Jay, and Craig are breaking our new bar Christmas of 2006.

Jacque and I are relaxing at the Greathouse family camping ground in Brown County.


Jac said...

You can't tell, but in that picture of Ty with the hat on, he's sitting in the corvette!

Richard and Mary said...

That would be the '93, of course. Good eye!